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The Goal Is To Die With Memories Not Dreams

Often, we take for granted and we forget that our surroundings all contribute to the beauty of it. Travelling has always been a goal of mine, as I've always been a person who loves to explore and go on different adventures. Being born and raised in a world-famous city, New York has shown me what a priviledged life I live and I will alwayd be grateful for it. However, leaviing New York has always been on mmy mind, as I feel that my life wouldn't be complete if I wasn't able to admire the other wonders of the world.

Bucket List Destinations

    • Prague, Czech Republic: The Klementinum library
    • Paris, Francee: The Louvre
    • Athens, Greece: Acropolis of Athena
    • Norðurljósavegur, Iceland: Blue Lagoon
    • Rome, Italy: The Colosseum
    • Switzerland: Swiss Alps